Thursday 27 May 2021

All clean!

I have spent almost all of today cleaning the house, from top to bottom, so I felt very pleased when it was all done!

Keith went shopping as usual, but he went slightly later than normal, so he didn't get home until nearly midday. I had cleaned upstairs (the bathroom particularly needed doing!) and was making my way down the stairs when he arrived home. 

Outside, I spotted the Demon Mower of our estate, Graham, making his way home with his lawnmower, and Dennis the dog. He had mowed the strip around the top green, leaving the middle bit long and it looked lovely, with lots of wildflowers. We have mainly daisies and dandelions in our garden, but I did spot some forget-me-not so that was good! I threw some wildflower seeds onto the garden on Saturday so we'll just have to see if they sprout anything!

After a quick lunch, I carried on cleaning, taking off the cushions on the sofa and hoovering down in the gaps, and I found Sophie's ankle bracelet that she'd lost! She was delighted!

When we collected Mike and brought him home, I warned him to keep the house clean! He manages to scatter bits of grass and leaves wherever he walks, and there's normally a trail up the stairs!

I had a long hot shower and then relaxed on the sofa with the telly. Keith had prepared dinner this evening - spaghetti bolognese, so it was great for him to take over!

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