Sunday 12 July 2020

Gardening weather!

Day 111

Today, the weather has been beautiful - a perfect day of gorgeous blue skies, fluffy clouds and lovely warm temperatures.

Mike was at work again at 5am and Keith went to collect him after he'd finished. I woke Sophie up at 9am and she was feeling very annoyed as we had two horses walk around the estate at about 7.30am and they'd woken her up. I have no problems with people riding horses around here but why do they visit so early?

Daisy and Laura were due at midday so Sophie and I went to Brixworth to get lunch and on the way back we took the slightly longer route and returned via Pitsford reservoir. The scenery was utterly beautiful.

While Sophie dashed about preparing the food and tidying the conservatory, I mowed the back lawn and trimmed all the Euphorbia back as the longer stems were dying. I also neatened the edges and generally tidied everything up so it looked a lot better. Keith cut the front verge for me - the grass seed I'd put down a few weeks ago had sprouted so it looked a lot healthier than it did earlier in the year when we had a long spell of dry weather.

It was quite hot outside and I went back into the house all sweaty! Much of the afternoon was then spent relaxing and I had a blissful deep bath later in the day and all my dirty clothes went straight into the wash bin!

Daisy and Laura stayed until about 6pm and I watched the end of Shirley Valentine to round off a great day. Keith cooked the chicken pie we should have had yesterday and very good it was, too! Sophie and I even managed to sit in the garden for a little while after we'd eaten but I think we were too early for the bats. We haven't really sat out much this summer and seen them so for the rest of the season we'll have to make more of an effort!

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