Friday 16 November 2018

The grey and the gloom!

I drove to work in Sophie's car this morning as she was going to Milton Keynes with her manager and had to be at her house by 9am, so Keith was going to take her. I would then be meeting her at Riverside in the afternoon, which I was looking forward to!

Work was very pleasant but a bit busier than last week. At 2pm I sped off down to Riverside and discovered that Sophie was only about twenty minutes away. I sat in the car and waited and gazed out at the gloomy, grey, typically November weather. I have to say it never got light today!

When Sophie arrived we had hot drinks in Costa and she told me about her day which was really interesting. She told me of one ex-offender who had really turned his life around by getting an education in prison and was now successful and doing really well in his career.

After our drinks we had a mooch around in Boots and Next (I was on the lookout for Christmas cards but didn't see any I liked) and then it was time to head home and curl up on the sofa in the warm. I took Keith to the pub as afterwards we were going to get fish and chips from the shop in Broughton. None of us felt like cooking the meal we had planned!

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