Sunday 4 November 2018

Drink disappointment!

Keith and I went to Tesco first thing this morning and did a small shop to get us through until Tuesday. As a treat, he bought me a bottle of Seedlip Spice non-alcoholic "spirit" which can be enjoyed with tonic instead of Gin! He also bought a small bottle of o% alcohol Cava for Sophie and some beer for himself to enjoy with lemonade as a Shandy!

We went home, had an assortment of pastries and coffee for breakfast and then Sophie and I put Mum's clothes on eBay. I did some ironing and Sophie did the majority of the work on the internet. Let's hope they sell!

Today the weather has been dismal and grey but it did brighten up a little in the afternoon so we went for a walk to see the horses. We took some carrots with us but they were nowhere to be seen! Typical!
We carried on around the estate and took Monty with us and it was really quite pleasant. Let's hope the mild temperatures last this year!

Keith cooked roast lamb for dinner tonight and Sophie and I watched a cheesy Christmas film while he cooked. Unfortunately the Seedlip Spice did not live up to expectations. I drank it with the Fever Tree Mediterranean tonic and it felt like I was having a proper drink but I'm afraid we still have a long way to go to replace Gin!

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