Sunday 11 November 2018

A busy Sunday!

Although I was looking forward to a bit of a lie-in this morning, I was awake at 6am! However, as we had a busy day ahead of us I was able to get lots done before 9am, which was a real bonus.

Keith went to Tesco to get some more alcohol-free beer and I asked him to get Sophie and I a bottle of the Cava as well, as Mum and Dad were coming for lunch today. We'd decided to cook the Hairy Bikers' Chicken and Potato Cobbler so Sophie and I made a start on it after we'd had a quick breakfast. I cut the chicken thighs into quarters while Sophie prepared the impressive amount of veg that goes into the dish - carrots, onions, leeks, celery and mushrooms as well as a tin of tomatoes and garlic.

We cooked it all and emptied the meat and vegetables into a large casserole dish before we cooked and then mashed the potatoes. While they were simmering away, Sophie and I hoovered and set the table and generally tidied up the conservatory.

We had a bit of a tricky moment when I made the dough as I think there was too much potato in the mix. I managed to roll it out and I'd cut a couple of rounds when Sophie took over and added more flour so it was a lot better! We covered the top of the casserole with the cut out scones, brushed an egg and milk mixture over the top and popped it in the oven.

It was then time for a quick shower and I did worry about the topping not cooking properly, but when I went back downstairs, it looked lovely. We did some cauliflower and broccoli to go with it and just after Mum and Dad arrived at 1pm it was ready.

We told my parents about the fiasco yesterday and we had a good chat over lunch. The meal was lovely and my Mum enjoyed one of my Gin and tonics while Dad had a small bottle of Rioja that Keith had bought. I can't believe that Sophie and I are being so good, but the Cava definitely helped as it went really well with the chicken.

We'd bought two chocolate cheesecakes for dessert - I would have loved to have made a chocolate pavlova but I just didn't have the time. By 4pm my Mum and Dad had gone home so Sophie and I went for a walk with Monty to see the horses and took them some carrots, which they ate greedily! It has been a gorgeous day today with blue skies and sunshine. If I hadn't been cooking for Mum and Dad I would definitely have been out in the garden!

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