Wednesday 10 October 2018


I had been really looking forward to today but, despite the gorgeous weather, it was a little bit disappointing...

Keith and I ventured over to Kettering after he'd been to the doctor for a blood test. He seems to be slightly anaemic and maybe even lacking in Vitamin D (aren't we all?) so he had to go to the surgery first thing. I changed our bedding with a view to getting everything dried outside and as soon as he was back we went and did some shopping for tonight and tomorrow. It's supposed to stay warm and dry so we decided to barbecue on Thursday evening! Well, why not?!

Once we were home I checked Facebook as Sophie had said that one of our neighbours had posted a long rant on the residents' page after the Parish Council meeting last night. This particular neighbour is a bit of a bully and judging by his post, it looks like he lost his temper yesterday! This is the same man who accused me of deleting one of his posts the other week and sometimes I wish I could just ban him outright, but I quite like his wife! I wish I'd gone to the meeting now! Anyway, it left a bad taste in my mouth, especially as I think some of his post was aimed at Mike...

We had an early lunch and drove down to see Sophie to take her for a drink at the pub opposite to where she works. It was a perfect opportunity to sit outside and soak up some Autumnal sunshine! Unfortunately, Sophie wasn't that happy as she doesn't have a great deal to do at the moment so we urged her to have a word with her manager and try and get some more work. I know only too well what it's like to be in a job with very little to do and the time drags horribly.

After dropping her back off at work, we picked up Mike and went home where I fully intended to sit in the garden and enjoy the weather. However, on checking my emails I discovered that one of the crystal items I'd sent off on Monday had been damaged in the post so I spent the next hour sorting that out, refunding the man who'd bought it and submitting a claim to the Royal Mail. I felt really sad as the crystal bowl had been a wedding present and although it had been stored in a box for the last ten years, I felt bad that it had been cracked. I had been hoping it was going somewhere that it would be cherished.

We ate early this evening as Sophie and I were going to the cinema to see American Animals, which was utterly brilliant! It was a story about four students at a university in Kentucky who, as a kind of silly prank, decided to steal some very valuable and extremely rare books from the campus library. It was a kind of docu-drama, as the students and their parents (and a lecturer) all featured in the film being interviewed about the events. It's well worth seeing as the students all felt a huge amount of remorse about what they did to the middle-aged female librarian and she has her moment to speak at the end of the film. It was funny but also moving and will rate as one of my favourite films of the year!

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