Friday 5 October 2018

A little spat!

Work was very pleasant this morning, right up until about 1.30pm when I was given a job to do by Sara and it all went a little wrong! Why it was given to me and not to Sadie who was at work right up until 8pm, I'll never know. It meant I left without seeing the problem through, which I hate!

I went and collected Mike and as soon as we got home I went out again with Keith to get his prescription from the doc's. There was a big funeral going on in the village and everyone had walked from the church to the cemetery to pay their last respects. I should imagine the pub will be busy tonight!

Back home I caught up with some jobs and awaited Sophie's arrival from work. When she gets home the weekend can begin!

Keith walked down to the pub and Sophie and I enjoyed a glass of wine and 90 Day Fiance, as per our usual Friday evening. However, when I was finishing off the dinner, we had a little spat about politics and I flounced off to get Keith in a huff...not the best way to spend our precious Friday night! We'd made up by bedtime, though, so that was a relief!

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