Monday 29 October 2018

A challenging day!

We didn't really have any plans for today, but somehow the time flew past!

As the clocks have now gone back by an hour, we suggested to Sophie that we take her to work today and then bring her car back so she could drive home in the dark with us. She hasn't really driven in the dark since she passed her test and of course, she's never experienced the evening rush hour either when the nights have drawn in!

When we arrived home Georgia and Mike were up and about and we waved them off mid-morning for their trip to Doncaster. It was a bit nerve-wracking seeing Mike go off with his girlfriend as it's a fair distance to the town, but he assured me she's a good driver and as she has a black box, she has to abide by the driving rules!

Keith and I went over to the Weston Favell Centre to post off some parcels, buy dinner for Tuesday and Wednesday nights and to get a button...we sold a quilt cover on eBay and I noticed that a button was missing from the end but I thought it would be easy to find a replacement! Not so!

We looked in Tesco and Wilco's, and even Poundland, but with no luck. Keith said he'd treat me to a coffee so we decided to go to the newly refurbished Coffee Lounge that my parents rave about. The place was packed with people and after queuing up at the counter I was told I could take a seat and someone would serve us. I picked up a packet of biscuits and joined Keith at a table, but we waited and waited and no-one even came near! I was a bit annoyed and in the end, after waiting for about fifteen minutes we headed to my beloved Costa where we had a Flat White each.

Luckily, I was able to Google nearby haberdashery shops and there was one on the Wellingborough Road in town. We parked opposite and we dashed across the busy road and into the shop where we found jars of every type of button you could think of...except the one we needed! I picked a couple out and Keith said they were too big but I bought three anyway. They weren't an exact match but I have a feeling that people are buying the quilts on eBay for the material...

We headed home and I sewed the button onto the quilt. It was a bit too big but it still fitted through the hole so I packaged it all up and suggested we send it off on the way to get Sophie in the late afternoon.

We had lunch of very messy chilli chicken thighs (but they were delicious) and all too soon it was time to go and get our daughter from work. We called into the Weston Favell Centre (again!) and bought some stuff we'd forgotten this morning!

We were a bit early for Sophie but already the day was growing dark. The sun had set at about 4.45pm and it will get earlier and earlier until the 21st December. I do wonder why we continue with this practice!

Sophie drove home but I think she found it a bit of a challenge, and I don't blame her. With all the lights of the oncoming cars and then the lack of streetlights along the A43 and onto our own country roads, it can be very daunting!

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