Monday 12 June 2017

Waiting about...

Keith was due to go into the Three Shires hospital today at 12.30pm so we spent the morning getting ready. I think he was a little bit nervous, but said he wasn't...however, I know him well!

We arrived at our due time and were shown up to his room where a nurse arrived and took loads of details. She said he would be going down for his operation at 5pm so there was no point in me staying with him as I had lots of things to catch up with at home. I kissed him goodbye and hoped fervently that everything would be OK.

Sophie was out on a driving lesson so I finished changing our bed and then gave the house a quick clean. Sophie came home and said she hadn't been able to concentrate fully on her driving as she was worried about her dad which was only natural.

Later in the afternoon Sophie, Mike and I popped over to Tesco to get the evening's dinner and I treated them both to a Costa which cost almost three times as much as our meatball and pasta supper!

I was anxiously waiting to hear how Keith was and eventually phoned at about 6.30pm to be told he was still in recovery but that the nurse would call me back when he was up in his room. However, she forgot, so by the time I called back it was almost 8pm and I was getting a bit worried! I was not impressed!

Sophie and I drove down to the hospital to find Keith sitting up and drinking tea which was great. He was in quite a lot of pain and said he dreaded getting up but he had to do that before he could go home. The nurse brought him some supper of a cheese Ploughman's and Sophie and I helped him with buttering the bread and making him a cheese and apple sandwich...his favourite!

After he'd stuffed his face he managed to stand up and walk up and down the corridor so the nurse was happy for him to go home. He got dressed and by now it was almost 10.30pm so one of the porters had to come and let us out of the main entrance!

Keith and Sophie walked slowly to the car while I went ahead and brought it as close as I could. Getting him into the front seat was a bit difficult but we managed and I drove very slowly home, trying to avoid every pothole, which was almost an impossibility!

Back home he slept in Sophie's bed and we made him as comfortable as we could...perhaps we should have been nurses!

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