Tuesday 6 June 2017

Rain, rain, rain...

If I thought the weather yesterday was horrible, I wasn't prepared for the wind and rain we experienced today!

I arrived early at work, at the same time as another staff member and while he stood and stared at the computer for a good ten minutes, I did all the opening up, including dragging our heavy sign across the carpark and onto the path next to the main road. When I got back to the store I resembled a drowned rat as my hair was soaking and my fleece was wet through. How any man could have let me do that I'll never know, and unfortunately my opinion of him went even lower than it already was!

Today was another day of putting more boxes of wine out onto display and trying to fit them into the already crowded aisles. We did have some lovely customers come in, though, which brightened my day and by the time I went home the sun was trying to come out a little bit!

I went home and sat with Keith on the sofa until it was time to go and collect Sophie from work. She went in at 2pm and was doing the afternoon shift. Luckily today I have felt a lot better than yesterday so it may have been me just getting cold and wet in Market Harborough.

I felt a lot more lively than I did yesterday evening so we watched the last three episodes of Public Enemy back to back and it was a brilliant ending, and one I certainly hadn't seen coming. This is the second Belgian drama we've enjoyed - last year's The Outlaws was excellent - and I was really quite sad that it had finished!

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