Thursday 15 June 2017

A manic day!

I had a follow-up doctor's appointment this morning that I almost forgot! It was a good job I checked my diary the night before and remembered! I had to take Mike with me as he was off to college straight afterwards so we left at 8.15am and almost as soon as I sat down she was calling me in. She wants me to have a pelvic ultrasound and another blood test even though I've not really felt the stomach pain for quite a while. I think she is being very thorough, so I can't complain.

I took Mike to college and then realised I had an hour to kill before I started work! One of these days I will just leave home and go to work without having to go anywhere on the way! I drove slowly into town and sat outside the wine shop for about fifteen minutes until Jonathan turned up, so it wasn't that bad. It was time I wish I was able to get back later in the day, to be honest!

Today was quite enjoyable and several customers asked me to pick out a range of wines for them. I love doing this, but I'm also slightly worried they won't like my recommendations. I always manage to sneak in a bottle of the Ravenswood Zinfandel into their basket which I really love, and hope they will like too! I am so looking forward to being able to buy a wide range of Californian wines when we go to the US in August.

After work I picked up Mike and as soon as I arrived home I left again to go shopping with Sophie. This evening I was supposed to be having a glass of wine with Sue but I've had to I ever thought I could get home, go shopping and be ready for 6.30pm I'll never know. Also, Sophie had said she would make paella for dinner tonight but there was no chance of that...we didn't get home until 7pm! We'd bought Tesco curries and these went into the oven shortly after we'd unpacked and put all the shopping away. I had a very cold glass of Leffe...I figured I'd earned it!

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