Saturday 3 June 2017

Shocking news...

Sophie and I were both working today so I dropped her off and continued into town. Unfortunately, Mike has lost his job at the pub which is a real shame as we thought he was getting on well and his wages were certainly going to come in useful for him when we go on holiday! I was hoping that his manager would have a change of heart and send him a text to come in, but no...he is now unemployed again.

Work was OK but we weren't that busy, despite the sunny weather. However, when the customers did come in they tended to spend a fair amount of money on wine! I left at just after 4pm as one of the other members of staff was out doing a delivery and it would have meant Shereen being left on her own. I drove home and relaxed on the sofa with Keith and read the day's papers until it was time to go and collect Sophie from work.

We had a delicious beef casserole for dinner and settled down to watch our latest TV series, the Belgian Public Enemy, which is proving to be very intriguing. It makes me wish I was fluent in French again as I was at school. Perhaps this can be a project for the winter?

Just before going to bed we realised there had been yet another terrorist attack in London and that it had only just happened, so the news was very sketchy. How much more can we take of this?

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