Monday 13 March 2017

Varied jobs!

I was working with Sue today and we drove into Northampton first to tidy up the garden of a house that was about to be put on the market. It was a gorgeous morning with lots of sunshine and blue skies so a real treat to be working outside.

Sue cut the edges of the grass with some shears while I weeded the driveway and front border. We also planted some Spring flowers to brighten the garden up. It looked lovely and a lot neater when we finished. The only thing that needed doing was the grass cutting to make it look perfect!

From there we drove to Tesco and Sue bought four big pots as the next house we were going to had a rose that needed re-potting. It belonged to the owner of the house who had inherited it from her grandfather so I think it had a lot of sentimental value. The builders who were working on her house had accidentally broken the pot it was in, but when we arrived we found that they had put it into a half barrel, as a way of redeeming themselves!

Sue had a good look at it and said that it looked fine but it needed pruning. The owner wasn't at all keen on that so after putting some more soil into the pot, giving it a good water and having a chat we went on our way.

Sue very kindly made me a sandwich for lunch and we ate in the garden with the dogs. After we'd eaten we went to a house on our estate to finish off the front garden which was looking beautiful. Sue had made a border under the front window and it was full of lovely Spring plants and daffodils. I weeded the driveway and helped her to do some planting before weeding a narrow gravel strip at the side of the house and then sweeping the road. The woman who lives in the house was very friendly and kept offering to make us tea or coffee and having a chat. It was all very sociable!

In the evening Sophie went out with some friends to a pub in town and we picked up Danni on the way to uni where they were meeting the others. I returned home to a delicious cottage pie and before we knew it, Sophie was calling us asking to be picked up again. Another day over!

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