Saturday 11 March 2017

Slasher Keith strikes again!

This morning, as I was sitting in the conservatory, I heard a hedge-trimmer close by and realised that Keith had sneaked outside and was wielding the machine against the bushes at the front. He hadn't mentioned that he was going to do this, which was a bit annoying!

Of course, I went out to help him clear up all the branches and we soon realised that we weren't going to get everything into our wheelie bin. We decided that when we took Mike to Brixworth, we would call into the tip and get rid of one wheelie bin load there.

After we dropped Mike at the library, we drove to the tip to find chaos...everyone and his mother had decided today was the day to tackle their gardens and there was a long queue to dispose of waste. It didn't help that one particular van was wedged into a space and was blocking the exit! We managed to park close to the garden waste skips and with some effort, emptied our bin. My poor car was covered in leaves and dirt, though!

Back home we swept up the rest of the mess and I strimmed the front verge. After I'd done that I hoovered out my car and then decided it was time for a break! Today I was supposed to be doing the gloss paint on the doors and skirting boards in the hall and landing!

In the evening Sophie and I went into town as we had tickets booked for An Audience with Levison Wood, he of mammoth walks fame. He was appearing at Derngate and it was only because I'd recorded Saturday Kitchen where he was a guest star that I realised he was coming to Northampton!

We parked easily and as we were a bit early (!) we enjoyed a glass of wine in one of the bars before taking our seats. We had a good view of the stage and we thoroughly enjoyed the show. Levison Wood talked about his three epic walks - Walking the Nile, Walking the Himalayas and his most recent programme, Walking the Americas. He spoke really well and was very entertaining and the show was interspersed with clips of all three of his walks, some of which were very funny. At the end he did a question and answer session with audience members and some of the questions were hilarious. Of course, when someone asked where he was going next, he wouldn't say!

The show finished at almost 10pm and we drove home anticipating a late Chinese take-away. Keith had ordered meals for Mike and himself but had also ordered Sophie and I some dishes to eat when we got home. With a glass of white wine it was a lovely end to a brilliant evening!

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