Friday 10 March 2017

More hard work!

Today was supposed to stay dry but as I was gardening first thing, we had some very fine drizzle that made me a bit damp! I'd dropped Keith off at Pitsford on the way back from taking the kids to college and uni and when he returned he walked around to me with a flask of tea and a cheese sandwich, both of which were very welcome!

I laboured in the front garden of a neighbour's house for four and a half hours and was very ready for a hot bath when I'd finished! The grey morning gave way to an equally grey afternoon so a totally different day to yesterday! How can that be?! I knew not to get excited!

Keith went to get Mike from college and I languished in the suds, feeling a lot better. When they returned Keith and I went over to Mum and Dad's house as they had a form to fill in and sign about their flight delay last September. We had a cup of tea and some biscuits and then dashed home where I had missed a call from Sophie asking us to pick her up a bit earlier than normal! We dashed off again and it was bliss to finally get home and relax. I had fondly imagined I'd have all afternoon to catch up with stuff, but there hasn't been a spare minute today!

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