Thursday 2 March 2017

A new career?

Not a great deal has happened today - it's been a usual Thursday with taking the kids to college and uni and then doing our weekly shop.

As we were unloading the car, though, Sue came rushing over with a large bag and asked if I wanted to do some ironing for her as she was extremely short of time. I never get to iron at home as Keith likes to press our clothes while watching sport on the television, so I jumped at the chance of earning some money! I did all of ours and the pile that Sue had given me and really enjoyed it!

We also had some good news today as we received a telephone call from the hospital asking for Keith to go and have a CT scan on Monday morning. This should really have been done in early January and is a routine scan after his operation last year. We had been a bit worried that he hadn't been called so at least now we can cross that off our list of things to worry about!

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