Thursday 23 March 2017

A busy day!

Sue and I were gardening this morning early so Keith took Mike and Sophie to college and uni. Sue and I headed for Brixworth and we called into the butcher's first as Sue wanted to order a chicken for her Mother's Day lunch on Sunday. She also bought two Scotch eggs to eat while we were gardening...sounds perfect to me! We enjoyed them sitting in the sun which was lovely!

It was another glorious day, thank goodness, and we worked for two hours in the garden accompanied by Bella, the little cat. Back home I had a quick shower as I was filthy from being on my hands and knees in the borders, and then Keith and I dashed off to do our shopping before coming home, having a quick lunch and then going to collect our offspring!

The weather stayed beautiful all day although it has been really windy again. The wind has been a real factor this week and I do wonder if it's still the remnants of Storm Stella? This weekend the weather is set to be lovely...hooray!

I bought some violas and a lavender in Tesco as our garden badly needs some colour. When I eventually returned home from all the toing and froing, I planted up my new flowers and discovered that Cheryl had hidden several fat snax in the pots! They were all covered in compost so impossible to put back onto the lawn for the birds so I just crumbled them up and hoped the plants would appreciate this new source of nourishment!

We have a wide variety of birds visiting the garden now as they all prepare for  babies! Even Rooky has made a return although he/she is very nervous and takes ages to look around before he/she swoops down and collects some food. We also have a magpie, a pair of collared doves, numerous sparrows, blue tits, chaffinches, wood pigeons, blackbirds, starlings and of course our resident robin who is never far away!

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