Friday 24 March 2017

Phew! Where has this week gone?

Sophie and Mike didn't, in the end, go to London today as most of Sophie's friends had dropped out and although Keith and I contemplated going in their place, we decided not to, as we knew it would be a long and pretty expensive day. We have Sophie's birthday to look forward to in a couple of weeks and she wants to go to London then anyway. Needless to say, Sophie and Mike were very disappointed and I do wonder if her friends dropped out because of the terror attack? If so, that would be very sad.

Sue came around very early and asked if I wanted to do two hours of ironing which I readily agreed to. Keith went for a walk and I made a start with the clothes, some of which were quite complicated to iron!

Again, it's been a glorious Spring day today with abundant sunshine and blue skies. Sophie and I went to Beckworth in the afternoon and I bought some more pansies and violas. I also bought a beautiful red poppy that will flower, hopefully, all through the summer.

As it was still such a lovely day Sophie and I sat in the garden with Monty when we got home and enjoyed a cup of tea and a biscuit. Monty, unfortunately, is still banned from the house but he does enjoy being with us in the garden and loves to soak up the sunshine!

The weather was a little different four years ago on this day:

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