Wednesday 23 November 2016


I was very early for my session at the Citizen's Advice Bureau this morning as I took Sophie into uni first and we always give ourselves plenty of time in case the traffic is bad. I was so early I decided to treat myself to a coffee and pastry first and headed to Caffe Nero, but their coffee machine was broken! This gave me the perfect excuse to go to Costa where I enjoyed a Flat White and a muffin whilst reading the paper.

Frank arrived just after me and we set up the offices, wondering who would be joining us as both Priya and Gill were off today. We had an early rush and there were about seven clients waiting by 9.30am! Such a difference to last week when we had a slow start!

Judy and Claire arrived and the morning was quite steady, which was a relief! With a manic start like that I thought we would be in for a really busy day! Judy and Claire went back to the main office at lunchtime and we had Pat and Hadeer in to take their place and it went very quiet indeed! So quiet that I suggested Frank go early as he had things he needed to do. As I was meeting Sophie in town after work I was more than happy to stay on until the end.

At one point in the afternoon, one of the admin staff came over with a very angry look on her face and wanted to speak to Frank. She looked so furious that I wondered what on earth was the matter... When I said he had gone for the day, she looked at me like I had just crawled out of the carpet and asked why. I said that we were very quiet and there was no point both of us sitting with nothing to do. She disappeared without another word and I thought, blimey! I'm glad he wasn't here to face her wrath!

Sophie came over to find me after she'd enjoyed dessert at the new pudding cafe in town and I was thrilled to see her! Now she can finally picture me working on a Wednesday! We walked back to the car and on the way home I filled up with diesel and put my filthy car through the carwash. It really needed it!

As we drove into the estate I noticed a burglar alarm blaring out and realised that all the houses were in complete darkness. Keith said the power had gone off shortly before we arrived home so we lit all our candles and stood in the window of the house watching the evening darken outside. All around we could see flickering candles in the windows of the other houses!

We were without any power for about an hour and a half and then it came on, only to go back out again an hour later. Luckily, the second power-cut only lasted a few minutes so I was able to cook us dinner! Keith went out to a football match and wrapped up warm as a horrible cold wind had developed after dark and it was very chilly indeed!

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