Monday 7 November 2016

A nasty shock

I was horrified to discover that Mike had been smoking in his room last night. I was just about to go downstairs when I noticed the wind making a strange noise in his room so I opened his door to find the window wide open. When I went back downstairs Keith said he'd been caught smoking last night and that Sophie knew about it as well.

I marched back upstairs and woke him up as I was so furious about what he'd done. Keith and I had suspected that he'd been smoking at friend's houses but we never dreamed he would do it at home. I have never smoked and Keith gave it up over 25 years ago so no-one has ever smoked in our house, not even when we've had friends around for dinner. As you can imagine I was extremely angry and shocked. He apologised but the damage was done and I will be very reluctant to leave him on his own in the house from now on.

We took Sophie to uni and Mike came with us as he wanted to get his hair cut in Kettering. We dropped Sophie off and then drove to see my parents as they'd bought a new wireless printer and wanted me to set it up for them. We had a coffee and I managed to get the printer connected to their computer so they were both pleased.

While Keith and I went and did the rest of the week's shopping, Mike had his hair cut and we arranged to meet in the car park of Tesco. We waited and waited and when I sent him a text he said he was still getting his hair cut. He was in the barber's for almost an hour and when he emerged his hair looked hilarious! He looked like the Cheese Strings man from the adverts!

At least he made us laugh and lightened the atmosphere a bit! I was laughing so much I could hardly drive home!

Sophie had also contacted me to pick her up early from uni as she was in a bit of a stress. I dropped Keith and Mike off at home and headed off to collect her and she explained that she'd been having trouble making a video for one of her assignments and that her team had virtually left it for her to do on her own.

We went down to Riverside as neither of us had had any lunch and she treated me to a sandwich and a crispy cornflake cake with a Flat white coffee. Delicious! From there we went to Boots and I bought myself some new make-up. As they had an offer on No7, I saved almost £10 which was a bonus!

We also visited Next as it's my Mum's birthday on Wednesday and I bought her a voucher that she can spend in the store. Sophie bought her a beautiful wooden lantern and a pillar candle from her and Mike so I'm hoping she'll be really pleased with her gifts.

From Riverside we went to the Weston Favell Centre as Sophie needed to take a top back to New Look and then it was home. The sky was looking a bit ominous and rather than walk down to the village as we'd planned we concentrated on working on the video.

Unfortunately, she became very stressed about it all and although we spent two hours trying to figure it out with various movie maker apps, we both gave up in the end and admitted defeat. I said to Sophie that it wasn't fair that she'd been left to do it alone as it was supposed to have been a collaborative effort and she'll go into uni tomorrow and get help. I made a video for her 18th birthday and found it very easy but that was using my old laptop and I couldn't find the same app on my PC.

We spent the rest of the evening relaxing and I just hope she manages to get it sorted out tomorrow!

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