Thursday 10 November 2016

An early start!

I had a very bad's night sleep last night and what made it worse was that I had to be up at 5.30am as my Dad was going into hospital this morning for a knee operation.

Keith came with me and drove and we were both amazed to see how much traffic was on the A43 at such an early hour. We dropped my parents off at the hospital at 7am and went home to have a coffee before taking the kids to college and uni. From there we went straight back to collect my Mum and take her home, so quite a busy start to the day!

We decided to leave the shopping until tomorrow so I had a couple of hours to catch up with things before I went gardening with Sue in the afternoon. At one point we had heavy rain and gusty winds but when she picked me up the sun was shining so foolishly I didn't take a mac and therefore got very wet when we had a torrential downpour in Brixworth!

I spent the whole time at the first garden raking up leaves and filled up the wheelie bin and several wheelbarrow loads with the wet, heavy things! At the next house we did some weeding and luckily it stayed dry until we left. I have a week off next week as Sue is busy with events at the village hall so I'll hopefully be able to concentrate on my next counselling assignment, in the dry!

As soon as I was finished gardening it was off to collect Sophie and Mike and then home to a lovely wallow in the bath and a snooze on the bed while "watching" Pointless. We had a fish and chips for dinner as we hadn't been shopping and it was quite a wrench to go back out into the cold night to fetch them!

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