Wednesday 5 October 2016


I was supposed to have someone else working with me at the Citizen's Advice Bureau today, a lady called Linda, but she never turned up, so I was on my own again. Not that I minded! I was able to collect my badge from the main office so at least the security guards let me in a little early today so I was ahead of the game!

We had a few hiccups to start with as Gill couldn't get onto her laptop and the internet went down, but by 10am everything was fine and we had a steady stream of clients. The new thing is that we shut for an hour from 12pm-1pm so it means we can have a break but I'm not sure I agree with this. After lunch Priya and Gill went to a meeting so I had two new advisors with me. We weren't that busy and I was able to leave at just after 3pm, which was a bonus!

Keith had already picked up Mike from college so it was straight home for me and a cup of tea in the conservatory with Sophie. We have had good news on the B&Q front today and they have repaid the money they owed us for the work that wasn't done. They have also promised us a £50 voucher which is great news. Success at long last!

I had an email from one of the managers of the One Stop shop in Mawsley but they trotted out the line about the law and weren't really that apologetic. I did reply and say that there was a difference between following the law and using common sense but as yet I haven't had a reply!

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