Monday 3 October 2016

A new term

There was a bit of a muck-up this morning and plans sent awry! Sophie was in at uni at 12.30pm today, but only for an hour and a half, so we had planned to drop her off and do the rest of the week's shopping in Aldi. However, the friend she was meeting early cried off at the last minute so she decided to brave the supermarket with us instead!

It didn't take us long to buy groceries for the next couple of days and it was far too early to take Sophie to uni so we all went home, which meant that I had to go back out again with her at midday with nothing to do for two hours!

I dropped her off and decided to go and get some diesel at the Tesco garage next to the Weston Favell Centre but the place was packed with no parking spaces at all. I needed to buy some pasta for Sophie's Jerk Chicken tomorrow but I had to give up on going to get diesel and going into Tesco because the place was so busy.

I eventually went to Waitrose at Kingsthorpe and bought myself a sandwich in there to eat in the car. It's been a gorgeous day today with lots of sunshine and blue skies so it was very pleasant sitting in the car, reading my Kindle and having lunch.

After Sophie had finished at uni we went down to Riverside as she needed to take a short back that she'd bought in Next yesterday. As she was now very hungry, she went to buy a McDonald's before we went in and I have to confess to nicking a couple of chips!

Keith didn't go to the pub in the evening as he is off alcohol for the whole of October, and possibly November as well. This didn't stop Sophie and I enjoying a delicious Californian red!

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