Tuesday 11 October 2016

Scary spiders!

This morning I caught a large spider climbing up the stairs - it was the same one from last night that had nearly climbed onto my shoulder when I was relaxing on the sofa! Sophie had thankfully spotted it and the look of horror on her face was a sight to see! I screamed and it scuttled off behind the sofa but it really unsettled me for the rest of the evening! I went to bed expecting to see it in the bedroom, so it was a relief to find it this morning and take it outside, well away from the house!

Keith, Mike and I went over to Mum's house this morning as she wanted the men to move a chair out of their study as they're decorating the room and having a carpet laid. Keith and Mike really struggled with the chair but eventually they managed to get it into Mum and Dad's bedroom. I'm not sure they'll ever get it out again!

In the evening we had a parents' evening at the college for Mike and he took us up to one of the classrooms which was full of Apple screens and keyboards. I was really impressed with the facilities at the college and everything was so modern and new. At the front of the class was a huge screen and when Mike's teacher came in she showed us a short film they'd all made when they went to the Sky studios a few weeks back. Mike was the cameraman so we didn't get to see him, but it was a good film and looked very professional!

After watching the film we had a good chat with his teacher, Hannah, who said he was doing well and that his first assignment was due this week. Each assignment goes towards his final grade so is very important!

We were finished at the college a lot earlier than we'd anticipated but we'd decided to have a fish and chip supper and called into Broughton on the way home. It was a gorgeous evening and the sun was just setting which made the sky a mix of blues, pinks and peaches. Beautiful!

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