Saturday 15 October 2016

A lazy day!

Sophie didn't go to work today as there was no way she could have stood on her feet for nine hours. The bruise has now spread over the top half of her foot and it's still very painful.

This gave us an opportunity to have a lazy day, although I did make a batch of muffins in the morning. I also made a candle in the lovely little red Christmas bowl that I bought in Jones's and although we had a hairy moment when the wick wouldn't stick to the bottom of the bowl and it went a bit awry, it turned out very well! It's definitely a learning process and I think that if I look for bowls or vases to put the candle in, it would be better if they have a narrower neck.

Keith went to the football in the afternoon and went to Cogenhoe as Sileby were playing away. Mike also went out to see a friend so Sophie and I were able to watch some recorded programmes on the television. The weather, grey and overcast this morning, did turn out a bit better in the afternoon, but then we had heavy rain in the evening. Those warm and balmy days of summer seem a long time ago!

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