Monday 10 October 2016

Season of mists...

As it was such a beautiful day again, Sophie, Keith and I decided to go for a walk at 8am. The roads were full of people hurtling off to work but we walked into the village and down the stony track to the Nature Reserve. It was a gorgeous morning with a slight mist over the fields.

We walked for an hour and then it was home to a quick breakfast before I asked Keith to put up the new  hooks on the en-suite bathroom door. He had a real job with them and there was a lot of cursing as he was doing it. I stayed with him in case he needed help but I managed to clear out my wardrobe of summer clothes and have a clear out of stuff I no longer wanted, which made me feel good!

I cleaned the rest of the upstairs and then it was time to take Sophie to uni. On the way we called in at the tip as we had a load of old cardboard boxes and some plastic tubs that we couldn't really put out for the weekly recycling. It does feel good to have a clear-out!

After dropping Sophie off at uni we popped into Aldi to do some more shopping and then headed to B&Q as we needed a  new deadlock for the front door. I was fed up with having to manually lock the door as the deadlock had broken some weeks back. These little jobs all need doing! B&Q had sent us a voucher for all the hassle we'd had with the en-suite bathroom so we used some of it to buy the new lock.

Once back at home we just had time for lunch and for Keith to fit the lock before it was time to get Sophie again. Mike was busy doing his assignment so that was great. He even cleaned and hoovered his room! Wonders will never cease!

Sophie wanted to go to the bank so we drove over to our favourite place, the Weston Favell Centre, and Sophie transferred some money from her savings account to her current account as she had to pay the remainder of her balance for next January's trip to New York. She's very excited about going again!

The glorious weather of this morning disappeared this afternoon to be replaced by heavy rain. It was certainly much colder...Autumn is definitely here!

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