Wednesday 19 October 2016

A quiet day.

Hopefully, today will be my last day alone on Reception at the Citizen's Advice Bureau as Frank returns from his holiday next week. Where have those six weeks gone?

It was quite quiet today and I had some spare time to do quite a bit of reading for my training. We did have a rush of clients at about 2.30pm and of course, they were quite complicated matters! One man wanted us to help him fill in a form and then I was told by Priya that we didn't do that. Luckily I managed to sort him out and we left by about 3.30pm. I walked back to the car park with Gill and we had a good chat. I feel very lucky that I get on well with the other volunteers on a Wednesday and I was told today that we'd all be invited to a Christmas lunch in December. Thankfully, it's not when we're in Berlin!

I collected Sophie from uni and we headed home to a delicious beef pie made by Keith and a cosy evening watching 90 Day Fiance in bed!

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