Tuesday 1 March 2016

Changing weather

It's been a mixed bag of weather today with rain and wind in the morning and drier, milder conditions in the afternoon.

Keith went over to my Mum and Dad's new house with Ian this morning to look at the light fittings while I finished my first assignment for my counselling course. Sophie was out all day today and had planned on going for a meal in the evening with her friend Alice so it meant that I would have the evening to myself, something that doesn't happen very often!

Keith made cheese scones and I followed a new recipe for banana and walnut muffins which turned out to be delicious. As the weather had improved I went out into our gravel garden and was dismayed to see how many leaves were covering the ground. I worked for about an hour and managed to shift about 5-6 boxes of leaves and cuttings from the ivy which Keith had trimmed back last year.

Monty came out with me and my little robin was in the trees singing away, which was lovely. After I'd finished Monty and I had a little love-in on the garden seat and it was very pleasant to be sitting in the sun and gazing at the gorgeous blue sky! It was warm enough for me just to be wearing a tee-shirt!

We all ate dinner early and Keith took Mike to Army Cadets on the way to seeing his football match. This left me on my own and I'd planned a quiet evening but I was in and out with Monty who wouldn't settle and then hissed at me when I told him to go and lie down! What happened to the sweet little cat who'd been cuddling me this afternoon?

It was my job to go and collect Mike and then drive into town to pick up Sophie from the halls of residence near the theatre. Her friend Alice had moved there after being on the Park Campus and Sophie said the flats were beautiful and just like hotel rooms.

By the time I'd picked up Sophie and driven home it was 10.30pm so just time for a wee dram of whisky before bed!

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