Tuesday 29 March 2016

Back to work!

This week has been fairly quiet with not much happening!

The weather improved after Monday's storm and we've had days of sunshine with a few showers dotted here and there. The early mornings and evenings have still been chilly though, but we've had some beautiful skies with lots of huge fluffy white clouds. So much better than a layer of stodgy grey!

Sophie went back to work today and became cross because she'd organised to share the assistant cook's job with another girl who promptly let her down and went home early. As soon as we'd dropped her off Keith, Mike and I drove over to Kettering as I was going to do a quick shop while my husband and son went for a hair cut. I dropped them off and headed into Tesco where I bought some bits for Sophie's birthday next week.

As they hadn't appeared when I'd finished shopping I treated myself to a coffee in Costa and then went to sit in the car to read the paper until I saw them walking over.

On the way home we called to see Mum and Dad as Mike had never been to the house before. They still had a lot of boxes to unpack but I think they're getting there...slowly!

The weather changed in the evening and we had heavy rain and winds. Mike decided not to go to Army Cadets tonight which was a relief so we were able to pick Sophie up and head home to relax!

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