Wednesday 9 March 2016


We had weather warnings for today for heavy rain overnight into Wednesday and when we woke up it was raining, but not especially heavily.

Keith took Mike to school this morning and when he got back he said there was water all over the roads. When I logged onto Facebook several of the residents on our estate had said the nearby roads had flooded and one resident had water rising in his garden from the adjoining field! It must have really come down heavily in the night as this amount of water coming off the fields was very unusual.

We went out at 11am as we wanted to get an idea of how much a new en-suite bathroom would cost. We drove to Kettering first and, indeed, the country road leading to the A43 was flooded so we had to drive very carefully. We went to a place called The Bathroom Studio first and immediately knew that it was going to be expensive...

Inside we chatted to a man about what we wanted and the dimensions of our room. It's certainly not a large space but he quoted us £9,000-£12,000 which we thought was ridiculous! We beat a hasty retreat and drove to B&Q where it was like going from the sublime to the ridiculous! We saw nothing at all we liked (in fairness the Kettering branch is very small) so we decided to head back to Northampton.

We took our normal route towards the village of Pytchley but once in the village we discovered that the road we usually take was closed due to the flooding. We could see a car stuck in the water! We headed towards Mum and Dad's village and called in to see them on the way to Northampton. They were waiting for the curtain man to come and they were as amazed as us about the cost from The Bathroom Studio.

The rain continued to fall all the way to Northampton and we saw one other road that had been closed due to flooding. We visited Homebase and then went over to B&Q where we made an appointment for one of the design team to help us next week. Even the woman who helped us said it was going to cost in the region of £4000-£5000 which was more than I was expecting!

As a treat we had lunch at KFC and then it was home to look at the B&Q bathroom catalogue to get some inspiration! Mike's girlfriend Heather came for dinner in the evening and Keith cooked a delicious curry. I wasn't that hungry after our late lunch but it was very good indeed and I have to confess to having a small second helping!

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