Saturday 5 March 2016

Mother's Day madness!

Mike wanted to go to town this morning (I wonder why?!) so Sophie and I dropped him off before coming home and pottering about. Keith was off to a football match in the afternoon so Sophie and I arranged to pop to Tesco as we wanted to make a Cosmopolitan cocktail in the evening. I'd bought her a book for Christmas and there was no point in just reading it so we'd picked a Cosmo for our first attempt.

Just as we were about to leave Mike called and asked if someone could pick him up so Sophie and I had to go. He did tell me he was getting the bus home but he must have run out of money!

We drove into town and back home again in very heavy traffic, dropped him off and headed to Tesco which was heaving with people buying gifts for Mother's Day. I've never seen so many bunches of flowers in my life!

We bought two cocktail glasses, a small bottle of Vodka, a bottle of Triple Sec and some limes before heading home to make a start on dinner. I'd decided to make "Cheat's Chicken Kiev" from a BBC Good Food recipe and I was a bit nervous as I always am before trying something new.

The recipe involved making a slit in the chicken breast and stuffing it with a garlicky soft cheese. I then mixed breadcrumbs with chopped garlic and covered the chicken breasts with the mixture before baking them in the oven for half an hour. It was a bit fiddly but the end result was lovely and we all enjoyed dinner very much. Served with new potatoes, green beans and asparagus with a creamy garlic sauce (shop bought) the meal made a lovely change.

After dinner Keith and I watched the ever excellent Trapped which ends next week. I will certainly miss it on a Saturday night!

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