Friday 4 March 2016

Mrs Grumpy!

Today I have managed to fall out with all of my family except the cat!

I had a full-blown row with Mike on the way to school as, despite waking him up at 7am, he still wasn't ready to go by 8.30am and we had to really nag him to get him into the car. This drove me mad as he really should be getting the school bus that leaves at 8am but I can't see it happening!

I arrived back and took a call from my Mum who thought that she and my Dad had upset me as I hadn't seen much of them this week! I'd spoken to her on Wednesday evening so it wasn't as if we hadn't set eyes on one another for weeks on end!

I started cleaning the house, took Sophie to uni and then came home to carry on, but I hadn't done much before Sophie phoned to ask me to collect her as she has a horrible cold at the moment that seems to be dragging on for much longer than normal. I went out to get her and then came home to finish cleaning.

When I was all finished and just before we popped over to the Weston Favell Centre to pay Mike's piggy bank money in, I noticed that Keith had washed the fabric conditioner tray of the washing machine in the sink and he'd left all the scummy horrible water in rather than let it flow away. Of course, I went mad as I'd just cleaned the sink in the kitchen and it looked horrible! Men!

When we got back from the bank I set to and made some more walnut and banana muffins, helped by Sophie who slopped a load of the mixture all over the baking tray. This made me really mad because if we'd left it, it would have burnt and made it more difficult to clean so I had a go at her and she flounced off upstairs! Oh dear!

I did have some good news, though, as the feedback from my first assignment arrived from my tutor and I'd passed, which was great! I'd been a bit worried about what I'd written but he said I'd made some good comments so that has motivated me to work hard for the next assignment.

Things settled down in the evening as Mike went to Heather's house after school (probably to get away from his mad Mum) and had a lift home so I only had to make one trip to go and get Keith. Phew!

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