Sunday 20 March 2016

Sunny Sunday!

After dropping Sophie off at work this morning we called to see Mum and Dad on the way home. They are gearing up for their move on Tuesday so the house was looking really bare. I took them some banana, walnut and chocolate muffins that I'd made and they went down really well with a cup of coffee.

Back home, as it was such a beautiful day, I washed my car and wiped away all the cat footprints from Jim. Just as I was putting my lunch in the oven (leftover Chinese take-away) Mike appeared and wanted me to take him to Heather's house. Typical! I ran him to Moulton, came back and had my lunch in peace!

On the way to collecting Sophie from work I called into the Co-op in Moulton and, as a treat, bought the ingredients for a Vodka Martini, a la James Bond. When we got home I made Sophie the drink but she wasn't that keen so she stuck to wine for the rest of the evening!

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