Thursday 18 February 2016

R.I.P. our beautiful Archie...

Today has been one of the worst days of my life as our beautiful furry bear, Archie, was killed last night on the main road outside our estate and Keith and I found his body this morning on our way to do the weekly food shop.

He didn't come in first thing this morning, which I found worrying as he is always first in to be fed and virtually pushes open the door to get to his bowl. I called him for the next few hours but as he sometimes disappears for a couple of days I wasn't really that worried.

Keith and I did our list for the shopping and Sophie came to sit with us in the conservatory as she had an online test to do and was stressing about it. As we drove out of the estate and quite a way down the road I saw what looked like an animal on the left hand side. Fearing the worst, we drove to the village and turned around and on the way back we couldn't see it that well. I went back to the entrance to our estate and as we drove past we saw a black cat lying on the grass verge. We knew at once that it was Archie and I was distraught as I never, ever thought we would lose him on the road like that.

Keith placed his body in a carrier bag and we took him home where I had to tell Sophie what had happened. She was almost hysterical with grief but the awful thing was that she had to carry on with her test as she'd started it while we were out. How she managed to do it, I'll never know but when she had finished Keith and I walked down the road and saw that it was a little Muntjac deer that had also been killed and was lying on the path. If I hadn't seen that out of the corner of my eye I don't think we would have found Archie until much later, so in a strange way, I was grateful we were able to find him and bury him in the garden.

Rest in Peace'll be forever with us.

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