Wednesday 3 February 2016

Little treats!

Keith went for another walk today while I took Mike to school. The journey was very unpleasant as a bus had become wedged on a tight corner and the car in front of me had to squeeze around it and go up onto the pavement to get around him. I followed and dreaded being well and truly stuck but luckily I got past! Phew! The roads in the village are definitely not designed for huge buses yet they pour out of the school and college on a continual basis every morning.

Back at home I had to wake Sophie up a bit early as my study pack was due to be delivered and I had to go and collect Keith from Pitsford at 9.30am. My daughter was a bit bleary-eyed as she still hasn't got over her trip to New York!

For the rest of the morning we cleaned the house again while Keith popped to the shops and had a hair cut. The weather today has been cold but sunny and there's still a stiff breeze about which is rather chilly. As a treat we went off to Boots at Riverside and had lunch at Subway before mooching about in Next where Sophie bought me a Flat White and a mini chocolate cake.

I arrived home to find my pack had been delivered so I had a quick look but decided to leave looking at it properly until Friday. I need to be very disciplined and have decided to study every weekday morning until the early afternoon. The course takes 140 hours so it will depend on how much I study as to how many weeks it will take me!

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