Wednesday 5 March 2014

Two days in one...

Not an awful lot happened on Tuesday and Wednesday so I've lumped both days together!

On the way back from Army Cadets on Tuesday night I got the feeling that Mikey's enthusiasm is starting to wane a bit, which is a huge shame. He was supposed to be away at camp this weekend but has said he doesn't want to go. We think he's having difficulties with some of the more complicated aspects of being a cadet, like map and compass work, so we'll just have to try and support him if he finds he can't do things. I, for one, will be disappointed if he gives it up as he has done much better at school after taking it up.

On Wednesday Sophie and I went to the gym after work. Not to do a workout, but to laze about in the spa as I still feel horrible with this cough and cold that simply won't go away. I sat in the sauna and the steam room but after half an hour we decided to call it a day, which was a good thing as Mum and Dad had been trying to get hold of me as they'd left their house keys at work and they couldn't get in to their home! I'd noticed and taken them with me so after a quick change they met us in Reception. I have to say I wasn't too keen on receiving 12...yes 12! missed calls while I was in the spa, but at least it wasn't a major problem!

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