Saturday 8 March 2014

Sociable Saturday!

Although the weather forecast had said the weekend would be sunny and warm, the day started off very grey indeed!

It didn't stop me from going out into the front garden, though, and having a chat with Sue who had the same idea! Keith joined us as well and as the morning wore on, the sun came out and the chilliness disappeared.

We didn't do a lot in the garden, just tidied it up and swept away all the leaves from the front of the house. I made a cup of hot chocolate for us (Sue had dropped off some hot chocolate mix earlier in the day) but the one laced with chilli did not go down well with my neighbour who took a sip and spat it out! I liked it though!

After having a good chat (and we even said hello to our new neighbours) I washed my car and then it was time to go to Market Harborough with Sophie for the afternoon. We had lunch in Costa Coffee first and then it was off to New Look as usual and a mooch about in Monsoon. Lastly, we called in to see Duncan who was in very good spirits as he was off to a party that evening in Fancy Dress, the theme being "Dead Celebrities". He was going as Amy Winehouse and I begged him to post a photo on Facebook! I tried three wines but bought a different one anyway - a Viognier from South Africa to go with our Chinese meal this evening.

Back home I made use of the beautifully sunny early evening and sat and read in the conservatory. It was lovely to see the sky turn from powder blue to indigo and we watched the birds flit about in the garden - which reminds me, we'll have to start looking out for the bats again!

Sophie was staying over at her friend Chloe's house so we dropped her off and then went to pick up our Chinese takeaway from Walgrave. After dinner we watched a silly film about a group of Londoners buying a race's about time they showed some decent films on a Saturday night!

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