Friday 21 March 2014

Non-stop partying!

We are now entering into a period of multiple 18th Birthday parties, with the first being tonight when Sophie was invited to her friend Chloe's house. Chloe works for us so I knew a lot of the staff would also be there, and I only hoped that they would turn up at work tomorrow!

I picked Sophie and her friend Danni up after school and took them home so they could start the long preparations for the evening ahead. There was nothing to stop me from going to the gym but I chose not to, preferring instead to stay at home and listen to the tramping of the floorboards overhead as the girls got ready.

Keith had returned from the pub and dinner had been eaten and cleared away by the time the girls were ready at almost 8.30pm! I have to say they both looked beautiful and I hoped all the effort was worth it!

As I'd had a glass of wine, Keith drove to Chloe's house (it's been almost three weeks since he's touched the demon drink) but I went with him as moral support. We dropped the girls off and then went home to wait for a text asking me to pick my daughter up.

The text came at 11pm and at 11.30pm we were pulling up outside Chloe's house where it all looked pretty calm! Sensibly her parents had stayed at home to  make sure things didn't get out of hand! Sophie was a bit worse for wear even though she'd assured me she wasn't going to have a drink. She immediately lay down in the back of the car and tried to go to sleep, but we made her sit up until we got home, which was probably a mistake as she did nothing but talk.

Back home I encouraged her to remove her make-up and undress as she'd just lain down on her bed fully-clothed and I knew she would regret it in the morning!

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