Saturday 1 March 2014

A trip to the seaside

The morning, although foggy, held the promise of a glorious day, so I felt like we should make the most of it, preferably by going out and getting away from this house, which has felt like Germ Central at times this week!

Unfortunately, my family did not share my passion for going out for the day so a heated family argument ensued before it was decided that Mikey would stay at home while Keith, Sophie and I decided to head for the Suffolk coastal town of Southwold. I made sure I checked the weather forecast before we left (it said dry and sunny) but as we sped towards the sea the weather deteriorated considerably and we were pelted with rain as we neared Southwold...

The morning hadn't started well (the argument) had become worse with an ill-chosen breakfast in McDonald's (the breakfast wrap I had was abysmal) so this latest blow was not really needed! However, after we parked the car the rain stopped and although the sky never did materialise into the beautiful blue I'd imagined, it did stay dry.

We had a cup of coffee and a walk along the pier before venturing into the town in search of a chemist for Keith as his cough was getting worse (he hadn't stopped coughing the whole journey and was now really uncomfortable). I'd never visited Southwold out of season before but the place was still busy with people and we even managed a short walk on the beach to collect some pebbles for the garden.

By 2.30pm Keith had had enough so we headed for home, where the weather had been sunny most of the day! The one, highly enjoyable, part of my day was driving my beautiful car which sped along the A14 like an arrow. I'm going to have to keep a very strict eye on my speed as getting near 100mph was way too easy!

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