Monday 10 March 2014

Back into the routine!

So, it was back to work today and I did feel slightly better after my weekend out in the fresh air. Mum and I cleaned our tube slides today and hoovered all the framework which was dusty after the recent half-term holiday. While we did that, Dad scrubbed part of the floor in the kitchen so we certainly made up for not doing a lot over the last few weeks!

Sophie was off out with her friends in the evening so I went to the gym on my own. I have to admit to not really wanting to go, but I forced myself and actually had a lovely, very relaxing time. I just stuck to doing some exercise on the treadmill and the bike and then went down for a blissful spell in the spa. Sitting in the steam room was great for the last remnants of my cold and after a hot shower I felt great as I drove home!

Sophie called me to say she wouldn't be home until after 9pm so it was just the three of us for dinner. Something I'm going to have to get used to, I think!

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