Tuesday 11 March 2014

Feeling so much better!

I woke up this morning feeling better than I'd done for ages. My cold is finally going, I'm coughing less and less and I had far more energy. Perhaps it was my workout at the gym last night?

The grey overcast weather cleared in the afternoon to blue skies and sunshine so after a busy day at work getting a lot done, Keith and I put on our coats (although it was sunny, it was still chilly) and went for a walk over the fields. We headed for the village first and then walked up the more gentler incline back home. It was fantastic to be out in the fresh air and getting some exercise!

As Mikey was at Army Cadets tonight we had a supper of cheese and biscuits, which was delicious, but a bit naughty. I did eat a lot of celery and grapes, though!

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