Wednesday 20 December 2023

Remembering Monty-cat

I managed a lie-in until 8am this morning and then had a quick cup of coffee before I went to the doctor's surgery with Sophie for a review of the antihistamines she was prescribed a couple of weeks ago. Today must have been vaccination day for babies and small children, as the waiting room was full of them. A mother came out of one of the consulting rooms with a baby and a little girl and both children were howling. She chose to get them dressed into their coats, hats, scarves and gloves right next to Sophie and me while they continued to scream and wail noisily. My daughter looked at them as if they were monsters and I think that, at the moment anyway, any maternal instincts have well and truly disappeared!

The nurse was pleased with Sophie's progress, especially as she is back at the gym and running again, as well as taking part in classes. She upped the dose of antihistamine and we talked about taking it at lunchtime or the afternoon to help her in the evening when she has more contact with the cats.

Back home, Keith and I were just about to set off to the Food Bank and Tesco when the phone rang. It was Highfields asking if one of the men could come out and measure the windows, so they could get the order in before Christmas. We agreed and I rushed around clearing things off the windowsills to make it easier for him. It meant I could have another coffee, which was a bonus! 

Johnny arrived and I recognised him for the work we had done in the kitchen when he'd fitted our new window. I made him a coffee and we had a chat before he measured up. It's been breezy again today and the draught in our bedroom is terrible! I can't wait for them to be replaced!

Once Johnny had gone, Keith and I drove over to Kettering and dropped all the food off at the Food Bank. There were a lot of bags already sitting in the large open space and a man was taking more bags out to the van to deliver much-needed food. We drove to Tesco and I bought chocolates and cards for my Mum to give to the staff, as well as some treats for us for the festive period. I like to have certain foods and drinks at Christmas so I bought some beautiful clementines, a chocolate Yule log, a bottle of Port, a box of biscuits and a bag of Celebrations. I said to Keith how lucky we are that we can just buy things we want without worrying. 

We drove home and lugged all of our stuff into the house. Vikesh had brought over lunch for Sophie and me - lovely wraps filled with chicken, salad and chips! After I'd eaten, Keith and I went over to see Mum and Dad and gave them the gifts for the staff. My Dad had a bad cough and didn't seem well at all poor thing.

We're nearing the winter solstice but tonight it seemed a little lighter at 4pm. Hopefully, it won't be long before it's much lighter at night!

Dinner tonight was a very easy meal of paté and toast, followed by apple crumble and custard. I drank my whisky for today which was That Boutique-y Whisky Company Speyside #3, 8-year-old Single Malt Scotch at an incredible 50.7%! Wow!

It was light in colour, smooth and reminded me of boiled sweets and warm spices.

Today was the anniversary of Monty-cat's death last year. A whole year of being without him, and Sophie still misses him very much. She lit a little candle tonight and put it in front of the picture I had printed for her.

R.I.P Monty-cat. You're much missed.

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