Wednesday 27 December 2023

A stormy day!

I was up early this morning to find Keith already downstairs in the kitchen. Outside, it was raining and windy. Storm Gerrit had arrived, although it wasn't supposed to affect us that badly, and we had no weather warnings in place for today.

I curled up on the sofa and started watching Alfred Hitchcock's Suspicion starring Cary Grant and Joan Fontaine. It was the perfect day to indulge in a good black-and-white film!

Sophie came down and made us both coffee and toast. We watched some more of Suspicion, and then it was time for a shower, as I'd promised Mum we'd go and see her today. I'd forgotten one of my Dad's Christmas presents, so we braved the wind and rain and drove over to Kettering. 

Predictably, the care home was busy with people coming and going and the staff looking festive, but we found Mum and Dad asleep in their room. I really wish they would take part in more activities; there was the usual Wednesday coffee morning taking place in one of the lounges and lots of things going on later in the day. My Dad was delighted with his JFK book and started looking through it immediately, which was great. My Mum, unfortunately, was not in the best of moods this morning and barely spoke to us. She had a vacant look about her and said she'd had a bad night with my Dad's coughing. Sophie noticed she had a swelling on one of her toes so we called in a carer to have a look at it. She was as baffled as we were about what had caused it but said that someone would come and take a look.

As Mum was in such a morose mood, we left and returned home where we had lunch, and I treated myself to a glass of wine! We had been invited for tea at Vikesh's house later in the afternoon, but his Mum was having her own crisis with her mother, so we postponed until another time. We dropped Sophie off and sloshed our way home in the wind and rain. What a difference to yesterday!

Keith had been looking forward to going to a football match in the evening, but as we suspected, it was called off due to the weather. He decided to pop to Tesco as we had no beer in the house at all, no bread, no milk and just a couple of toilet rolls! I have no idea what day it is at the moment as it feels like a continuous run of Sundays!

I pootled about and relaxed in the early evening and we had leftovers for dinner again. I think I am all turkeyed out now! Once dinner was out of the way, we caught up with some recorded Christmas programmes and cuddled the cats who were very affectionate this evening. They have calmed down after Mike's visit but he'll probably stay over again before he and Abbie return to Southampton. We have no idea when, so they'll probably become skittish again!

Sophie arrived home at about 11pm and had had a great night with Vikesh's cousins. They have planned a visit to London later in January and there'll be twelve of them going! Blimey!

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