Sunday 3 December 2023

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

The weather has been horrible again today with almost constant rain. And it was still cold! We pootled about in the morning, and I wrote my Christmas cards ready to post next week. I haven't been able to find any Peter Pauper cards this year, which is a shame as they were so beautiful. 

Halfway through the morning, Sophie and I ventured to the Co-op in Moulton, and the rain was lashing down from a dark grey sky. I wanted to buy another pack of cards and something for lunch. I spent ages trying to find the Christmas cards and then choosing something to eat, and the previously empty shop had filled up by the time I arrived at the tills! Typical! I sent off the Tassimo pods as well (that's three out of five bags gone!), and when I returned to the car Sophie wondered what I'd been doing as I was so long!

We sloshed our way home and had lunch, and I continued writing out my cards. I have one to send to the USA as usual (I missed the last posting day in 2022), and this year I didn't want to miss the posting date of the 11th of December. 

Vikesh came over at 3pm, bearing a "12 days box of beer", mince pies and brandy cream. He had made up the box of beer especially for us, which I thought was lovely! We'd had two bottles of mulled wine languishing in the cupboard for the last two years so it was great to be able to finally enjoy them with slices of orange, cinnamon sticks and cloves, and I served them in our Berlin Christmas market mugs.

While we sipped the hot wine we enjoyed mince pies with the brandy cream. Now, it does feel like Christmas! We played a game of Scrabble and then cards and Keith came into the kitchen to prepare tonight's beef pie for dinner. There were some delicious smells wafting about!

Tonight's whisky came from the Kyro Distillery Co in Finland and was 47.2%. I found it had hints of smoke and caramel!

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