Sunday 10 December 2023

Meeting the neighbours

The first part of the morning was spent preparing tonight's dinner and tidying the house. A neighbour and her daughter were due around at 11am to have a chat about looking after Gomez and Mooney while we're in France in January, and possibly looking after them whenever we're away in the future.

We had a great meeting with them and the teenage daughter was exactly the person we hoped would take on the job of feeding them twice a day and ensuring they have everything they need. It was lovely to chat and get to know them a little more.

Vikesh came over at 1pm and he and Sophie walked to the pub for lunch. I busied myself with chores and when they returned we tried another of the stouts in the "12 Days of Vikmas" box! I had already had a taste of my whisky for today, which was the Canmore Single Malt Scotch Whisky at 40%:

I detected plums and spice!

Vikesh stayed for a while and after he'd gone, we relaxed by watching The Holiday on television. Dinner was all done so we had to just pop the casserole in the oven and cook the veggies. The smells were divine!

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