Saturday 16 December 2023

A mega shop!

After a somewhat late night, I woke up at about 7am and made a start on the day. Sophie surfaced a little later but said she felt fine after her evening out! I'd made her take a couple of paracetamol before she went to bed, so they probably helped!

My Mum had an appointment at Woodlands Hospital at 12.30pm, so Sophie and I picked her up and arrived early as usual. I'm always worried about parking but whenever we're early there are plenty of spaces!

We had to wait an hour to be seen, and after seeing the consultant, we visited the nearby Costa for coffee and something to eat. We took Mum back and drove to Tesco where we had £190 to spend on groceries for the Food Bank in Kettering. Sophie's colleagues had either donated money or brought food into the office, and this year she received more than last year, which was brilliant.

We took a scanner as we wanted to keep track of how much we were spending, and set off into the crowded supermarket. We bought lots of products for babies and small children and then concentrated on groceries. Very soon the trolley was full!

We spent £190.51, and I was dreading going to the checkout as they normally do a security search to make sure we hadn't hidden a couple of bottles of Malt Whisky under everything (!). There was so much in the trolley, that some of the packets and boxes were in danger of falling out. We had 178 items!

Thankfully, they didn't have to do a search, so we paid and left, decanting all the items into boxes and bags in the car park. We'll take them to the Food Bank in Kettering on Wednesday.

Back home we relaxed and I fell asleep on the sofa again! Outside, the sky went a funny shade of orangey/pink but it was cloudy. We don't have any snow forecast so it must have been the reflection of the sunset on the clouds. 

Sophie and I played Scrabble this evening and opened a bottle of our old faithful, the New Zealand Pinot Gris. I opened the game with the word "mounted" and used up all my tiles, scoring an extra 50 points, which put me in the lead, and I stayed that way! Sophie was not amused!

We ordered a Chinese takeaway tonight for dinner, and it was supposed to have been for the four of us with Vikesh coming over, but he's not well, so he stayed at home poor thing. We ate the lovely, hot, spicy meal and then caught up with an episode of Disturbing Disappearances which was filmed in Dunkerque. It's not the prettiest of towns!

No whisky tonight as I was drinking white wine. It'll be double tomorrow!

Mooney Moon Bums

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