Friday 16 June 2023

Another week done and dusted!

Today was certainly better than last Friday and I helped Sara with the emails, finished the moan report and put on some more films. The phones were quiet which helped enormously! Shirley was up to her tricks again, though, and came off the phones at about 3.45pm to make outbound calls... this is becoming a regular habit, now, and is most annoying.

Back home, it felt hot and stuffy, and we have more storms forecast for over the weekend. Keith decided to go to the pub even though his mate John was at Edgbaston (the Ashes are on... grrr!) so Sophie and I tried the new Pinot Gris we bought in Lidl on Wednesday and settled down to watch Race Across The World.

Dinner this evening was a simple chilli with rice but we finished off a bottle of Pinot Noir with the meal. Afterwards, Sophie and I sat outside the house for ten minutes and it was blissfully cool! 

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