Thursday 15 June 2023

A new recipe!

Work today was very pleasant and I noticed how few outgoing calls were being made, unlike Tuesday! I dealt with the customer service emails and just about finished the moan report. It was a lovely feeling that I hadn't anything planned for this afternoon and I could just go home and pootle about!

Dinner tonight was the coronation chicken and salad we should have had last night, so I cooked the chicken breasts, shredded them and put them in the fridge to cool. Keith had already prepared the salad ingredients so there wasn't much to do. Lovely!

Making the sauce was easy - I just used mayonnaise, hot curry powder, mango chutney and black pepper and missed them all together before coating the chicken. Served with a delicious salad, new potatoes and crusty bread it was a simple meal and perfect for a hot evening. I don't think I'll ever buy a prepared Coronation chicken again!

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