Wednesday 21 June 2023

A spot of gardening

Keith and I decided to go out early this morning as we had to drop some stuff off for my Mum and pop to Tesco to get tonight's dinner. We enjoyed a coffee first, at the outlet by the A14, and sat outside in the sunshine. I fervently wished that we were stopping off on a journey somewhere, but no, we were just on our way to the shops! The little industrial estate that Costa is situated on has become very busy over the last few months, with various warehouses, a car dealership and a car rental office! It used to be a sprawling scrapyard years ago!

We dropped off some shoes for Mum, drove to Tesco and did our shopping. Keith really wanted to shop until the weekend but we had no list with us so I knew that would be a recipe for disaster! We'd end up forgetting everything!

Back home I caught up with some chores and then we both ventured out into our scruffy front garden to tidy up. The daffodils needed clearing away and the soil needed weeding so I did that as well as trim the front verge with the trimmer. Our Hypericum bush is huge and covers most of the grass verge but Keith refused to cut it back while it was flowering. He cut back an evergreen bush next to the driveway so that looked a lot neater!

It was very hot and both of us were soon sweaty! It was great that it all looked so much better and I was pleased to see that the bushes in the front were filling out the area nicely!

Luckily, dinner this evening was very easy - pizza, salad and crispy potatoes. We're rapidly running out of ideas for meals that are good for the hot weather!

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