Friday 31 March 2023

Creepy calls...

I did not sleep very well last night! Maybe twelve tapas dishes were a tad too much! I woke this morning feeling bleary and weary, and very glad that it was Friday!

Sophie worked half a day today as she is spending the weekend with Vikesh in an Airbnb in Leicestershire, and he was picking her up this afternoon. I drove to work in heavy rain and the nasty weather stayed with us all day. It was truly horrible.

Work was fine and we were busy on the phones, with people booking swims and activities for next week. I had a slightly alarming phone call from a man who was hesitantly enquiring about the naturist sessions we hold at one of our centres. He said he'd been told about them by a female friend. I thought they had stopped because of covid, but Sheila came over and said they meet once a month on a Sunday evening when the centre was closed to the public. The man was fine at first and apologised for asking about the sessions, but that was fine with me. I'm open-minded! However, he carried on chatting and the conversation became a little more sinister. He mentioned going to his local leisure centre and taking a shower, mumbling something about the showers being viewable to other people, namely mums and children, which I didn't believe for one minute. Then he said he was worried about getting aroused, and that was when I shut the call down. 

I think at the time it didn't sink in what he was getting at, but afterwards, I felt horrible, as if I'd been violated myself. I couldn't believe that someone would call up and say that! Maybe I'm too innocent, but we never get calls like that! The rest of my colleagues were as shocked about it as me, and I wondered how Shirley would have reacted if she'd taken the call!

I was glad when it was 4pm and the shift was over, but my cash up was out so poor Sara had to stay with me until we sorted it out. I had so many receipts it took us ages! Back home I was able to relax and look forward to Keith cooking a lovely cottage pie for dinner. We had so much left (just the two of us eating) that we're having it again tomorrow!

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